I want to replace the coolant and am not sure how to empty the radiator. I need to do this first prior to adding the new coolant. I have a chrysler 2002, 300MHow to change the coolant?First make sure the engine is cool and the system is not pressurized. Safety is always the first step.
There is a drain plug on the bottom of the radiator somewhere, usually on the right. With the radiator cap still on, open this and drain the coolant into a container. Please keep this container in a place animals cant get to. They are attracted to the sweet smell of ethylene glycol and will drink it and die.The coolant recovery bottle should empty first. Once this is empty, remove the radiator cap and let the remaining fluid drain. Refill with 50/50 mix of new antifreeze.
This will do fine in many situations, but i always do a complete flush on my vehicles.
Some people say to get a bottle of cooling system flush, but in my opinion it isn't needed unless your car has 100,000 miles or more, or you have circulation problems, which could be indicated by temperature being higher than normal, but not enough to be considered overheating.
To do a complete flush, follow the above instructions, then fill the radiator with water.let the engine run for a few minutes with the heater control on high.shut of the engine, and drain the radiator again.repeat this process until only clean water comes out. Refill with 50/50 mix of antifreeze.(the green stuff, the other types are worthless)
If you do choose to use the cooling system flush, there should be instructions on the bottle, and i recommend the brand Zenex. Beware, though, your skin will get irritated it if it gets on it. And be sure to dispose of the old coolant properly.How to change the coolant?On the bottom of the radiator is a drain, open it into a container. Drain fully, refill, and dispose of coolant to a parts store or recycler.How to change the coolant?normally on the drivers side bottom part of the radiator. But always on the bottom of the radiator due to this is the lowest point in the system which all the Fluid can run out