Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How do I change the coolant on a 98 toyota 4 runner?

Never done it before and I'm pretty clueless around cars. There's a tube connecting the radiator to another reservoir that says coolant on the cap. Do I pour the water and antifreeze directly into the radiator or the other reservoir? Thanks!How do I change the coolant on a 98 toyota 4 runner?Drain the radiator from the petcock on the bottom right side of the radiator (could be in different place if it's been replaced).

Fill the radiator directly, it should hold about 2 gallons but the last 1/2 gallon or so you'll have to add slowly, letting the air come out. When it seems pretty full, start the engine and let it warm up. When the thermostat opens you'll be able to see the coolant flowing in the radiator.

Empty the coolant in the reservoir and refill that as well. Make sure the radiator cap is in decent condition (the rubber gaskets...)

Toyota coolant is pretty good stuff, I'd recommend it over anything from autozone, etc.