Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How do you change the coolant in a 1995 Yamaha FZR 600 streetbike?

Just bought want to flush the radiator, just in case it has never been done before. ThanksHow do you change the coolant in a 1995 Yamaha FZR 600 streetbike?Changing your coolant:

Remove radiator cap.

Remove cap from overfill tank.

Place large drain pans on both sides of bike.

Remove overflow vent hose at radiator filler and aim the now open hose into the drain pan.

Undo the hose clamps from the large radiator hoses at the engine. (make certain the pans are large enough, or do it one side at a time)

Pull hoses from engine flanges.

At this point all of the coolant will drain from both the radiator and the engine. If you turn the engine over a couple of times (not running, just cranking) you will spit out any left in the block.

Replace hoses, caps etc.

Fill with whatever you will be using.

Flushing your radiator:

If you need to flush the system, then only remove one hose and use a garden hose or equivalent (connected to a water supply ?tap water is ok) to run water through the system. When I do mine for the first time, I leave the lowest hose open, turn on the faucet and start the engine to flush the water jacketing. After about 2 minutes, turn off the engine, then the water and remove the other hoses and let it drain.

Fill with whatever you will be using.


Many people have asked why I would use tap water (or water from a garden hose) when the service manual (and good sense) dictate the use of distilled water only to prevent corrosion. I only use tap water to flush the system, but always use distilled water and Water Wetter when refilling. When flushing, you need some decent pressure and a lot of water, so using distilled water for this purpose just isn't practical.