Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How do you change coolant in a 2004 Saturn Ion?
Would like to save some money and change the coolant myself. I'd like some detailed instructions on how to do it or maybe just point me in the direction where to get find out how to do it.How do you change coolant in a 2004 Saturn Ion?If you really want to save money on fixing your car ... you can order a book on your car from autozone or oreilys that tells you step by step to do it all. Even over haul your motor. Just go in and ask for it. They'll order it for you. Usually cost 20 bucks.How do you change coolant in a 2004 Saturn Ion?lift the hood on the bottom of the radiator is a drain cock. turn it towards the radiator and the coolent will come out. okafrican american hair help finding niche