Monday, September 19, 2011

Ford Lancer 96 with loud squeaking turning left, soft grinding turning right, dash light on and overheating?

When I got the car you could smell gas when the heater or AC was turned on. I recently got a new tire and rotation and since then it seems when I turn left a little, I hear a high pitch squeek that disappears if I turn really hard. If the same pressure is to the left, I hear a soft grinding noise. I was going to get this fixxed but today I saw a little light come on the dash. It's red and looks like a tank with an arrow pointing down from the openning and a liquid line below that near the bottom of the tank. Not long after, I smelled burning rubber and noticed the dash thermaumeter was dangerously close to (H)ot. I can't seem to pin point when it goes hot, but I doubt it's during turns. I am not sure what is wrong with the car (liquids to add or change,) how to add coolant if needed (something about 50/50 solution to a specific grade?) and if something is wrong with the tires or mounting. I also hear a light tumbling noise like something in the trunk, but it never gets louder over bumpFord Lancer 96 with loud squeaking turning left, soft grinding turning right, dash light on and overheating?check ur wheel ball joints n bearings left n right n also check the disc brake n brake pads.dash light on is wiring problem n overheating is ur cooling system not in proper ventilation,so check ur radiator,flush it n clean,pour in some radiator coolant.ask ur mechanic to check the engine block if it's crack,then change the gasket head n the lub oil together with the new oil filter.good luck.Ford Lancer 96 with loud squeaking turning left, soft grinding turning right, dash light on and overheating?Strongly suggest unloading lemon while still driveable.