Monday, September 19, 2011

Should i replace my whole axle myself?

I'm saving up 3000 for a small house as i'm going to begin in real estate, i'm 20 and i can change my tire, coolant, fuel filter and my brother has alot of tools in the garage. I got a honda civic 1990 and i was thinking since its so old that it would be more simple. I'm doing this becuase both my c.v boots car clicking and have been for 4 months already and i want to fix everything myself so i can save money. Theres a junk yard where i live, alot of them. Can i just rip one out of another civic and slap it on mine, change the break pads? How is it? I'll be borrowing my friends truck, are axles heavey?Should i replace my whole axle myself?Well you could do it yourself. In general it is a fairly easy task, but can sometimes be quite tough. As far as going to the junk yard and getting them, you could do this, but you'd be better off getting them new. But if you do find good ones in the junk yard, it might save some money. They aren't heavy at all, nor do they take up much space. The process of removing them is quite simple.

Put your ebrake on, loosen your lug nuts and jack up your car. Be sure to use jack stands (safety first). Finish removing your two front tires. Then you'll need a lug nut socket (32 mm i think). Remove the lug nuts from both sides (you'll probably have to pound out the groove in the lug nut). Next take the cotter pin off of your ball joint castle nut (its the one under your wheel hub) and remove the castle nut (17mm socket). Remove the long bolt that connects your strut forks to arm that connects to your wheel hub (you'll need two 17mm sockets for this). You need to take the ball joint apart, which will require the use of a ball joint puller tool (this can be a pain). After that you can pull the forks off of that arm, and be able to remove the cv axel (you might have two use a tool such as a ball joint puller or thick flat head screw driver to get it out of the transmission). Then put the new axels in, and the rest is the reverse of the whole process. You'll want to use an impact wrench to put the ball joint castle nut back on. Good luck.Should i replace my whole axle myself?No they are not heavy. You will need to disconnect the lower ball joint from the spindle and the outer tie rod end. Then swing the spindle out of the way and pop out the old axle out of the tranny. Put in the new one and reassemble the suspension. Make sure you have a manual with torque specifications.Should i replace my whole axle myself?you should never use cv boots from the yard. they get sand and rust and junk. and if you are not completely confident in replacing the boots, then have a friend who knows how to help you and show you. your personal safety depends on it.Should i replace my whole axle myself?I don't think its worth the bother to put a used axle from the junk yard in your car. If you go to the work of changing it , use a new or rebuilt from the parts store
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