Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Bypass offix low coolant sensor on 2000 3.4 pontiac grand am?
my low coolant light is on in my dash.. this makes me so irate im about to jam a screwdriver in and break the bulb. my coolant levels are perfect, i have Already Changed the Low Coolant Sensor and I disconnected the battery cable to reset everything. it still comes on. a constant ON light is just as useless as a light that never come on .. so before i take apart my dash and smash the bulb because i hate warning lights on for no reason. . does anyone know how to bypass or fix this common issue on 3.4Pontiac's when replacing the sensor doesnt work and the coolant level is fine.Bypass offix low coolant sensor on 2000 3.4 pontiac grand am?Unplug the sensor at the coolant tank. This usually works to turn off the light.