Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How often should you maintain your car?

1. oil, lube, filter: oil change - 3000 miles or 3 months. How often should I change lube? Filter?

2. At this time, I can also ask the mechanic to fill up my tires. Should I fill up my tires more often than 3 months?

3. power steering fluid - How long does it last or how often should I change?

4. coolant/anti-freeze - How long does it last or how often should I change?

5. break fluid - How long does it last or how often should I change?

6. Transmission fluid - How long does it last or how often should I change?

7. Differences in regular, mid-grade, and premium gasoline. Is premium necessarily the best? How often should I fill up premium gasoline?

8. windshield wiper blades - How long do they last or how often should I change?

9. freons - How long does it last? How can I maintain my car so the freons lasts the maximum?

10. How often should I wash my car? Wax?

11. How often should I clean the interior?

12. Am I leaving out anything else?

The reason I ask these questions is because I want to maintain my vehicle myself as much as possible. The only exception is oil, lube, and filter change and freons. Thank you. I would greatly appreciate your help.How often should you maintain your car?long list and easy to say you do it everyday every week and every month

first one 3000 miles oil and filter rotate tires check tire monthly or more wil save life of tire and get better fuel mileage

power steering fluid really dont have to ever been change just toped off

coolant/anti-freeze top off change like every three yrs

break fluid top off never change

Transmission fluid check like oil change oil and filter but like at 60,000 120,000 miles

has for fuel buy at place you stop at most offen fil with best they have set mileage drive til you need more try next octane level set mileage used the one that gets the best miles which will vary with each place knowing a few brands and type to use but most cars will run fine on them all but using the one that gets yourcar the best mileage is the one you want to use

windshield wiper blades once a yr

freons have it check once a yr

wash when dirty wax every other time or about four times or so a year when ever you feel like it has for

cleaning insides when ever

wheel alignment once a yr or if you see tires are wearing or it drives funny as for wheel rotation easy to remember to do it with oil change about every 3000 miles its not so much as when to but to do most people dont do it at all heres a couple sites that you can find how to's and when

How often should you maintain your car?Read your cars manual. It will tell you how often to service and what to do when you service it.

You should check your tyres as often as you can and definately before long journeys. You should get a pump.

Differences in petrol(gas) are only the octane rating, use regular unless your car requires premium. (Read the manual)

Freon is a trade name, but I assume you mean air conditioning refrigerant, you don't need to do anything with this unless your air conditioning stops working.

You clean your car when it gets dirty... I wax mine every time I wash it.. and I wash it a lot. It is personal preferance.

Wheel alignment I'd have done every year, unless you notice a problem. Make sure you get a 4 wheel alignment if you drive a rear wheel drive car.How often should you maintain your car?Every car make is a little different, look in your service manual it'll have all that info.