Normally you'll be charged for parts, labor, and hazardous waste disposal. In most auto service shops there is a book they go buy that lists the standard amount of time it should take to perform a job. However, most well know shops just package this into a deal such as an oil change for $19.99 for up to 4 quarts.
Figure on:
$6-10 for the thermotstat and gasket
$29.99 -$59.99 for the cooling system flushHow much should it cost to change a toyota solara V6 coolant thermostat, plus coolant flush, plus gaskets?thermostat and gaskett shouldn't be over 10.00 and easy enough to change yourself. a flush is easy too. drain entire cooling system, flush with hose until water comes out clear at the drain and refill with fresh antifreeze. make sure you get the engine warmed up so the thermostat opens and fills the heater core and finish filling the radiator. should be able to be done on the curb for around $20.00.How much should it cost to change a toyota solara V6 coolant thermostat, plus coolant flush, plus gaskets?professionally done, about 100.00. NO MORE