Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Magnavox 55" inch screen template, to correct Geometry?

Question :If anyone knows where I can find one, for my set please let me know. I recently changed the fluid in the 3 CRT's. The picture looks great. However, when I use the code to align my set I can see that the Green grid is not perfect, due to the fact that I had taken out the guns to clean and refill. I know I am close to being on target but I would like it to be better if at all possible.

I would be grateful for any help. Actually my friend was going to throw it out ,because everything was green. But he asked me if

I wanted it and I said yes. I never worked on any TV before, but I did some research and found out how to change the coolant.

I love it now. So I am trying to get as close to perfect as I can.

I would be grateful for any help. 1997 Magnavox Model # 6P5440 W103

Even if some one could send me a photo of what the pattern looks like that would help me allot The model number of the template is a 55 inch ST4170 .Magnavox 55%26quot; inch screen template, to correct Geometry?Yeah , I KNOW about the ST4170 alignment Template....

I wonder if EVERY TV tech has already thrown their's out?

Maybe they are selling them on E Bay....

Oh....and the RED CRT NEVER clouds could have left that one alone, and used it to Realign the Green and Blue CRTs that ALWAYS have the crap in them.....

Good job didn't damage either board with coolant....