Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What are some symptoms that happenns with a bad flex fuel sensor?

cause i have an 2001 chevy s10.An sometimes when its idlen it shakes an when i take off an get to 10-20mph it has hesition then it changes gear then does it again until i get to 30 mph it runs fine.An i could rev the enigine an it puts out black smoke an i just change the coolant temp sensor.An ideas cause i really dont wont to buy the flex fuel sensor and pay 400 dollars for thinking bout buying flex fuel repilcator but how does that work.What are some symptoms that happenns with a bad flex fuel sensor?Well you won't pass emissions if that is required for one... Some one posted a similar issue on another forum...

My Suggestion... Don't get a flex fuel car EVER. They are worse emissions the a unleaded gas and takes 2x the amount of fuel to get the same mileage as a unleaded gas. Plus it costs 20 cents cheaper per gallon but calculate with the mileage = more money for the Ga$/Oil companies. That is why they bought up alot of the corn farms around Brazil... lol

If you ever want save money at the pump and have a truck, a diesel is the way to go. Though there $$$. Car wise, Volkswagon as a diesil car they build. Gets around 40 I believe per gallon. Plus diesels have a history of being lasting a LONG time if you maintain them though you might not want one if you live anywhere really cold during the winter.